MD Admissions
Thank you for your interest in applying to the nation’s first integrated school of medicine and public health. Be the next Badger to do something extraordinary.
What We Look For and What Comes Next
Review premedical requirements, including coursework and academic minimums, technical standards and what our Admissions Committee looks for in candidates. Prepare for next steps after submitting your application. Learn more at our MD admissions events.

Admissions Decisions
Admissions Statistics
Total applications
Entering class students
Students underrepresented in medicine
Tuition and Aid
From tuition to financial wellness to scholarships, find all the information you need to be financially prepared to attend medical school.
Tuition and aid information
Contact Us
Members of our admissions teams are available to answer your questions and help you through the admissions process. Access program director contact information for your program of interest.
Contact MD admissions staff

Living in Madison
Madison, Wisconsin is a city for all seasons (yes, even winter). From relaxing lakeside at Memorial Union Terrace to enjoying the natural splendor of the UW Arboretum, Madison is the perfect place to live, study and play.