Student Diversity Resources
The Office of Multicultural Affairs for Health Professions Learners (OMA) at the University of Wisconsin School of Medicine and Public Health strives to promote a climate that embraces diversity and supports professional development for all students.
We coordinate and develop programs and activities for pre-college, undergraduate and students in the five health professions programs in the School of Medicine and Public Health. We offer advising and counseling and monitor the progress of students in the MD program.
The Office of Multicultural Affairs for Health Professions Learners works with numerous School of Medicine and Public Health programs to increase the number of historically underrepresented students in medicine, including:
- Building Equitable Access to Mentorship (BEAM) is an evidence-based mentoring program that leverages the experience and expertise of SMPH faculty members to provide culturally aware mentorship to first-year medical students
- The Native American Center for Health Professions (NACHP) is focused on enhancing the recruitment of Native students to UW–Madison health professions schools and programs, and improving the learning experience for Native health professions students
- The Rural and Urban Scholars in Community Health (RUSCH) program targets undergraduate students at UW-Milwaukee, UW-Platteville, UW-Parkside and Spelman College with an interest in practicing medicine in underserved urban or rural areas
- The Training in Urban Medicine and Public Health (TRIUMPH) program focuses on recruiting and training physicians to meet the health care needs of underserved populations in urban settings
- The Wisconsin Academy for Rural Medicine (WARM) attracts students from our region with rural backgrounds, increasing the number of Native American, Hmong and Spanish speakers who have a strong interest in practicing in a rural setting
OMA Staff

Ryan Tsuchida, MD

Manuel Santiago, M. Ed

Abreu González, MD student