Group of MSTP students with director, Elizabeth Felton

Student Executive Committee

Established in 2004, our student executive committee is designed to:

  • Address issues identified by students concerning program strengths and weaknesses
  • Empower and engage students to participate actively in the planning and execution of the program
  • Facilitate student support of one another

Executive Committee elections are held each spring, but any interested student can participate in the standing committees.


Co-presidents provide leadership to the Medical Scientist Training Program and student perspective to the School of Medicine and Public Health and UW–Madison Graduate School.

Standing Committees

Advising and mentoring committee: Improves the emotional and professional support for students, especially during critical transitions in the program.

Communications committee: Facilitates communication about program issues, events, and needs among students.

Curriculum committee: Actively engages current students in generating ideas for initiating and maintaining curricular changes that enable MSTP students to complete their degrees in a more efficient manner.

Diversity and outreach committee: Advocates for and ensures that issues of diversity (ethnic, racial, lifestyle, gender, etc.) are integrated into the program.

Merchandise committee: Maintains the discretionary spending fund used to fund recruiting and social activities within the program.

Seminars committee: Plans, implements and facilitates our seminar series and the spring symposium.

Social committee: Improves the sense of community among students in the program.