MSTP Undergraduate Summer Program

Are you an undergraduate student interested in pursuing MD-PhD dual degree training? We invite you to apply for a summer research program at the University of Wisconsin–Madison.

What is MSTP Summer Scholars?

MSTP (Medical Scientist Training Program) Summer Scholars is a 10-week summer research program. In addition to gaining valuable research experience, Summer Scholars program participants enjoy a variety of formal and informal mentoring, professional development and social activities. All Summer Scholars program participants will be matched to a research advisor, assigned an MSTP student peer mentor, attend weekly professional development seminars, participate in MD-PhD application workshops, and join social activities. At the end of the MSTP Summer Scholars program, participants will present their research project at the Summer Research Opportunity Program final symposium.

What Does it Cost?

There is no cost for the program. Participants receive:

  • $6,000 stipend
  • Meal plan
  • Housing in campus residence hall with a private bedroom
  • Travel to and from Madison, Wisconsin
  • Health insurance (if needed)
  • Access to campus libraries and recreation facilities
  • Madison Metro bus pass

What Are the Program Dates?

2025 program dates: May 27–Aug. 1

Application period: Nov. 1–Feb. 15

Program Details

Participation in Summer Scholars includes:

Meaningful scientific research endeavors: You will carry out research in a University of Wisconsin–Madison research laboratory. UW–Madison ranks eighth nationally in the volume of research, with $1.3 billion spent annually. You will also be paired with an MSTP trainee currently engaged in research who will serve as your peer mentor throughout the summer.

Preparation and practice for MD-PhD admissions: To help you prepare for the next steps in your training, we provide sessions on MCAT prep and interviewing for programs, including specific information about the process of applying to MD-PhD programs.

Professional and Career Development: We take the opportunity to get to know you, to have conversations about your career objectives, and can make specific recommendations to help you achieve your goals.

  • Scientific communication: There are opportunities to present your research proposal and projects throughout the summer, including at the UW Summer Research Opportunities Program (SROP) poster session and research symposium
  • Career development: Scholars will meet individually with MSTP directors, as well as with their research principal investigator (PI) and MSTP peer mentors
  • Management and leadership: Session topics may include conflict resolution, effective meetings, being a self-advocate, and more

Direct exposure to clinical medicine: You will periodically shadow a physician in their clinical practice or participate in grand rounds and case conferences. This will provide you the opportunity to observe medicine in practice and to see first-hand how medicine and science intersect.

Enjoyment of social interactions: You will interact directly with current MD-PhD trainees by participating in gatherings and activities that show you the vibrant life of MD-PhD training in Madison.


Matching Applicants to Research Areas

We will match applicants selected to participate in the MSTP Summer Scholars program with a research advisor and physician-scientist preceptor with consideration for the participants’ research and clinical interests. We cannot guarantee placement in a selected research area but aim to provide an amazing research experience.

Research Project Areas
  • Alzheimer’s disease
  • Biochemistry
  • Biomedical engineering
  • Cardiology and cardiovascular disease
  • Cancer biology and immunotherapy
  • Cellular and molecular biology
  • Cellular and molecular pathology
  • Chemical biology/chemistry
  • Clinical investigation
  • Genetics
  • Medical physics
  • Microbiology and immunology
  • Neuroscience
  • Nutritional science
  • Pathology
  • Pharmacology
  • Public health and epidemiology
  • Radiology
  • And more
Research Sponsors

MSTP Summer Scholars are funded by individual research labs, campus departments, research partners and other programs. Thank you to these sponsors:

  • Bendlin lab (2022)
  • Department of Radiology (2022, 2024)
  • Hematology Training Program, Dept. of Medicine (2024)
  • Majumder lab (2021)
  • Mohr lab (2021)
  • Morgridge Institute for Research (2021-2023)
  • Pat and Jay Smith Breast Cancer Research Program (2022)
  • UW Carbone Cancer Center (UWCCC) (2021-2024)
  • UW Institute for Clinical and Translational Research (ICTR) (2021-2024)
  • UW School of Medicine and Public Health (SMPH) (2021-2024)
  • Wisconsin Alzheimer’s Disease Research Center (ADRC) (2021, 2024)

How to Apply

Review the Eligibility Requirements

  • Intent to pursue a physician-scientist career (MD-PhD training)
  • One year of undergraduate-level education by summer 2024 and a graduation date of December 2025 or later
  • U.S. citizenship, permanent resident status or DACA recipient
  • Research experience or exposure preferred but not required
  • Cumulative undergrad GPA of at least 3.0
  • Age 18 and over (as of start of program)

Obtain a Letter of Recommendation

Submit the name and email address for at least one person (faculty member preferred) who will provide a letter of recommendation. Two letters of recommendation are allowed — if you have prior research experience, it will be helpful to have a letter from your research mentor.

Submit your Transcript

Submit the electronic version of your college transcript (scanned hard copies if electronic transcripts are not available); unofficial transcripts are acceptable.

Write Your Essays

Five short personal essays (500 words per essay) are required to apply.

Apply Now