TRIUMPH Curriculum
Students in the University of Wisconsin School of Medicine and Public Health’s Training in Urban Medicine and Public Health (TRIUMPH) program spend 2.5 years learning and working in a variety of sites focused on serving urban populations.
Some of the sites student work at include:
- Advocate Aurora Health hospitals and clinics
- Community health centers
- Public health agencies
- Community organizations in Milwaukee
As a TRIUMPH student, you will explore the rich history and diversity of Milwaukee’s neighborhoods and learn to respectfully engage with communities to promote health. During TRIUMPH, students identify the population and issues that captivate their interest and are matched with an appropriate community partner to conduct a community health improvement project that spans the 2.5 years they serve in Milwaukee.
Guided by faculty mentors and community health leaders, students learn about community health assessment, project design, implementation, evaluation and how to join and contribute to a community health team.
TRIUMPH students:
- Gain an appreciation of the urban context, health equity work and community resources
- Enhance their cultural skills
- Engage with communities
- Learn to develop and implement community-based health improvement projects
TRIUMPH course content is delivered through four sequential, interrelated courses primarily spanning Phase 2 and Phase 3 of medical school (TRIUMPH I-IV; two credits per course for a total of eight credits). These courses introduce students to urban health through seminars, discussions and community and public health activities in Milwaukee.
Milwaukee TRIUMPH Schedule
During August, just before the beginning of the M2 year, students participate in a two-week Community and Public Health Enrichment Experience (CAPHENE) in Milwaukee, which focuses on the cultural and historical context of Milwaukee, community development and team building skills and self-care strategies. This provides an excellent introduction to Milwaukee’s assets.
Beginning in January of the M2 year, you complete the Phase 2 sequence of clinical experiences in Milwaukee, including chronic and preventive care, specialized care of obstetric, gynecologic and pediatric patients, surgical and procedural care, and acute care blocks. During Phase 2, you will meet with your TRIUMPH peers one afternoon every other week to discuss issues of urban health, health equity and advocacy, humanism in medicine and progress on your projects.
During Phase 3, TRIUMPH students complete required courses and the majority of electives in Milwaukee, deepening their skill and experience caring for Milwaukee’s diverse communities in collaboration with community partners.
During the M4 year, TRIUMPH students complete a community health and leadership course that familiarizes students with Milwaukee’s medical and public health leaders, provides training in leadership skills and promotes the role of physicians as advocates. Students also meet every other week, concurrent with their clinical training in Milwaukee, and continue to work on their projects guaranteeing a dynamic, well-rounded and productive year.
Community Project Sites
TRIUMPH has many dedicated community partners and practice sites. These organizations, listed by focus area, have served as partners for TRIUMPH students’ 2.5 year longitudinal community projects.
Basic Needs/Community Housing
- Community Advocates
- Pathfinders Milwaukee, Inc. (Youth Housing Focus)
Citywide Health Assessment, Evaluation and Research
- Center for Urban Population Health (CUPH)
- City of Milwaukee Health Department
Clinical Services Connecting With Communities
- Advocate Aurora Walker’s Point Community Clinic
- Bread of Healing Clinic
- City on a Hill Clinic
- Concordia University (Partnering with Milwaukee Courts and JusticePoint)
- Diverse & Resilient
- Lutheran Social Services
- Milwaukee Homicide Review Commission
- Salvation Army
- Sixteenth Street Community Health Centers
- Sojourner Family Peace Center
- UMOS Latina Resource Center
- United Community Center
- Vivent Health
Elder Services
- Advocate Aurora Palliative Care Department
- Sixteenth Street Community Health Centers
- United Community Center
Food Justice/Urban Ecology
- Fondy Foods
- Growing Power
- Milwaukee Center for Independence
- Urban Ecology Center
- Walnut Way
Health Professional Pipeline Programs
- Lead2Change
- Milwaukee AHEC
Mental Health
- Advocate Aurora Family Service
- Sixteenth Street Community Health Centers
Women's Health
- Advocate Aurora Team Phoenix
- Milwaukee County Breastfeeding Coalition
- Southeast Asian Educational Development
- United Way of Greater Milwaukee and Waukesha County
Youth Services
- Advocate Aurora School-Based Health
- Children’s Health Alliance of Wisconsin
- Clarke Square Neighborhood Initiative
- COA Youth & Family Centers
- Future Urban Leaders
- Lead2Change
- Milwaukee Academy of Science
- Next Door
- North Division High School
- Penfield Children’s Center
- Wellpoint Care Network