PA Curriculum
The UW–Madison Physician Assistant (PA) program delivers a dynamic, primary care-oriented curriculum. The modular, system-based approach to teaching clinical medicine, pharmacology and diagnostic methods allows us to integrate innovative case-based and active learning strategies.
The curriculum is built upon the foundation of competency-based training and practice. The PA profession ensures that programs provide educational experiences for physician assistants to acquire and demonstrate competencies in the areas including: medical knowledge, interpersonal communication, professionalism, evidence-based medicine and cultural humility.

The program curriculum integrates these competencies throughout the students’ physician assistant training to provide a strong foundation, fostering scientific inquiry, critical thinking, ethical reasoning, cultural competency and integrative learning. Principles of lifelong learning and professionalism encourage growth and enhance graduates in meeting future needs of patients and the medical profession.
All students will complete a required curriculum. Additional master of public health (MPH) coursework is required for the MPAS/MPH dual degree option.
Program Options
The UW–Madison PA program options include a full-time option on one of three UW campuses, a part-time option or an MPAS-MPH dual degree option.
Electives provide students the opportunity to explore a specific focus area within their educational path and even travel internationally.
Clinical Rotations
Hands-on clinical preceptorships allow students to explore internal medicine, family medicine, emergency medicine and surgery, as well as subspecialties.