PA Goals and Outcomes
We strive for excellence in physician assistant education. Outcomes show that we are meeting and exceeding programmatic goals for our fully-accredited PA program.
Goal 1: Equip graduates with the requisite preparation to enter into clinical practice.
- Maintain a 5-year Physician Assistant National Certifying Examination (PANCE) pass rate at or above the national average.
- Maintain 100% of the class scoring “Satisfactory Medical Knowledge” on the PAEA End of Curriculum assessment.
- Earn a 4.0 on a 5.0 (5.0=extremely well) scale on the question “How well do you feel the program prepared you (or our students) for clinical practice/profession?” on these surveys:
- Education Survey completed by students at graduation
- Education Survey completed one year post-graduation by alumni
- Student Preparedness Survey completed by active clinical preceptors
- MET: UW–Madison PA program 5-year average PANCE pass rate is 93%, the same as the 5-year national average.
- MET: 100% of the Class of 2022, Class of 2023, and Class of 2024 graduates have scored above a 1400, or “Satisfactory Medical Knowledge” on the End of Curriculum exam, one data point in ensuring they are ready for graduation.
- MET: Scores on the question “How well do you feel the program prepared you (or our students) for clinical practice/profession?” exceeded 4.0 on a 5-point scale.
- Class of 2024 at graduation rated the question 4.4
- Class of 2023 one year post-graduation alumni rated the question 4.1
- Class of 2024 active preceptors rated the question 4.4
Goal 2: Support our mission by recruiting and admitting highly qualified “Mission Match” applicants who are successful graduates.
- 50% of our class are” Mission Match” students, defined as:
- From a Health Profession Shortage Area or medically underserved area/community (HPSA/MUA/C)
- Veterans or currently serving in the U.S. military, including the National Guard or Reserves
- From an economically disadvantaged background
- First generation college students
- Enrolled in a federally recognized tribe
- Maintain a total program attrition rate less than 15%.
- Create and maintain a Student Success Coaching model. Score 4.0 on a 5.0 scale on the Global Survey completed annually by students to these questions: 1) I am satisfied with access to student services, 2) I am satisfied with access to academic support, and 3) The mentoring by faculty is effective.
- MET: For the class entering in 2024, 54% of our students are considered “Mission Match.”
- From a Health Professions Shortage Area (HPSA) or Medically Underserved Community (MUC): 31%
- Economically disadvantaged background: 38%
- First generation college student: 28%
- Veteran of or currently serving in the military: 2%
- Enrolled in a federally recognized tribe: 7%
- MET: The program attrition rate for the Class of 2024 was 8%, Class of 2023 5% and Class of 2022 11%, all meeting our benchmark (as demonstrated on this table “ARC-PA Attrition Table”).
- MET: For the class entering in 2024, 100% of incoming PA students completed the pre-matriculation curriculum around academic success. 100% of students are assigned a faculty and peer mentor. Regressive data analysis was used to predict students who will benefit from success coaching.
- On the 23-24 Global Survey (n=79; response rate=58%) completed by current students the following benchmarks (4.0 on a 5.0 scale, 5=strongly agree) were also met:
- I am satisfied with access to student services: 4.3 / 5.0
- I am satisfied with access to academic support: 4.5 / 5.0
- The mentoring by faculty is effective: 4.4 / 5.0
- On the 23-24 Global Survey (n=79; response rate=58%) completed by current students the following benchmarks (4.0 on a 5.0 scale, 5=strongly agree) were also met:
Goal 3: In support of our mission, expose students to clinical rotations in rural and underserved areas.
- 100% of clinical year students will complete a minimum of a 4-week clinical rotation in a rural or underserved area.
- MET: 100% of students in the last 3 graduating classes (2022-2024) completed a minimum of 4 weeks in rural and/or underserved clinic with the average number of weeks being 10.