Jeniel Nett
Honors & Awards
August 2, 2017

Jeniel Nett awarded funding for research to combat medical device biofilms

Science & Technology
July 11, 2017

New method of viral maintenance in cancer cells identified in UW study

A new method for how viruses ensure their maintenance in dividing cells has been identified by researchers at the University of Wisconsin McArdle Laboratory for Cancer Research and Carbone Cancer Center.

Science & Technology
June 29, 2017

Viral infection found to increase therapeutic resistance of glioblastoma cells

A common human virus, cytomegalovirus (CMV), can convert glioblastoma (GBM) brain cancer cells into cancer stem cells with higher therapeutic resistance, according to a new study by University of Wisconsin Carbone Cancer Center researchers.

Health & Wellness
May 24, 2017

Study sheds light on function of protein associated with high-risk breast cancers

The function of a protein associated with breast cancer development and metastasis is now better understood, based on a new study by University of Wisconsin Carbone Cancer Center (UWCCC) researchers.

A group of friendly researchers
Science & Technology
January 2, 2017

Immunotherapy: Harnessing cellular systems to fight deadly diseases

Four decades ago, researchers at the University of Wisconsin School of Medicine and Public Health had the right idea—to pursue a theory that they could harness patients’ own immune systems to fight and defeat cancer. Their perseverance and hard work are paying off, as they’ve recently made great strides in cellular immunotherapy, along with colleagues in myriad medical fields.

Health & Wellness
August 13, 2014

At least 740,000 Wisconsin residents face food insecurity

Wisconsin may be the land of cheese and bratwurst, but more than 13 percent of Wisconsin residents who took part in a Survey of the Health of Wisconsin (SHOW) interview reported that they worried about going hungry in the past year. The results from about 3,000 study participants did not vary much between urban and rural areas of the state.