Exterior of a Madison Public Library with a "Vote Here" sign on the sidewalk
Health & Wellness
March 21, 2024

Civic infrastructure tied to better health

New data show counties in the United States that make it easier for residents to participate in civic activities and provide ample information sources – such as broadband or public libraries – are often healthier.

A doctor sitting beside a patient in a hospital bed, illustration by Beth Atkinson
Health & Wellness
February 2, 2024

When doctors sit, patients feel better

A new study indicates that the simple act of a doctor sitting in a chair during hospital bedside discussions improved the experience for physicians and patients alike.

baby toes
Health & Wellness
August 24, 2023

UW awards funding to improve maternal, child health throughout Wisconsin

The University of Wisconsin School of Medicine and Public Health has awarded four grants to help health systems and community partners in the state improve the health outcomes of mothers and their infants during the prenatal and postpartum periods.

Teen girl staring at her mobile in her room
Health & Wellness
August 16, 2023

Study finds teens, young adults benefit from clinician advice about safe social media use

Teens and young adults who received a brief social media counseling session during a health care visit remembered the lessons and reported safer online behavior six months later, according to a large new study from the University of Wisconsin School of Medicine and Public Health.

woman checking her insulin levels
Health & Wellness
July 24, 2023

Inflation Reduction Act’s cap on insulin out-of-pocket costs boosts prescription fills

The Inflation Reduction Act $35 cap on out-of-pocket costs for insulin led to increases in the total number of filled insulin prescriptions for Medicare beneficiaries, according to a new study by researchers at the University of Wisconsin School of Medicine and Public Health and the University of Southern California Schaeffer Center for Health Policy & Economics.

woman holding a child
Health & Wellness
April 24, 2023

UW School of Medicine and Public Health accepting applicants for grants to improve maternal and child health

Nonprofit health organizations in Wisconsin seeking to improve the health outcomes of mothers and their infants during the prenatal and postpartum periods have until May 30 to apply for funding from the University of Wisconsin School of Medicine and Public Health.

Staff from the UW Population Health Institute
Health & Wellness
April 6, 2023

UW Population Health Institute helps bolster community health worker workforce with CDC grant

During the COVID-19 pandemic, community health workers like Hmongshee Khang were on the front lines focusing on an equitable response to reducing the disease’s spread.

Check out your county snapshot at countyhealthrankings.org
Health & Wellness
April 3, 2023

New rankings show healthiest and least healthy counties in Wisconsin

Ozaukee County ranks the healthiest in Wisconsin and Menominee is the least healthy county in the state, according to new County Health Rankings & Roadmaps data from the University of Wisconsin Population Health Institute.

Neighborhood Atlas map
Health & Wellness
March 30, 2023

Federal agency uses UW–Madison Neighborhood Atlas research to shape national health policy

A data tool developed by UW–Madison researchers showing health-relevant metrics for every neighborhood in the United States is guiding a national model to help Medicare beneficiaries from under-resourced communities access health care more effectively.

Health & Wellness
March 15, 2023

Affordable Care Act slashed uninsured rate among people with diabetes

The Affordable Care Act (ACA) provided health insurance for an estimated 1.9 million people with diabetes, according to a newly published study.

students at the Osher Center
Health & Wellness
March 2, 2023

New Osher Center for Integrative Health launches at UW–Madison

After more than a year of planning and development, the University of Wisconsin Integrative Health program officially opened the Osher Center for Integrative Health at University of Wisconsin‒Madison.

Tripti Singh and Shivani Garg
Health & Wellness
February 9, 2023

Lupus much more likely to cause cardiovascular problems in Black patients

A population-based study of the autoimmune disease lupus in Black patients shows that the risk of cardiovascular disease is strikingly high in young patients –19 times higher than in non-Blacks in the first 12 years after diagnosis – and may be predicted by a characteristic rash.