Oneida collaborations earn community partnership awards

July 3, 2018

Two centers within the University of Wisconsin School of Medicine and Public Health were recognized for their collaborations with the Oneida Nation.

In recognition of their teamwork that exemplifies the Wisconsin Idea, the Wisconsin Alzheimer’s Disease Research Center and Native American Center for Health Professions earned UW–Madison 2018 Community-University Partnership Awards.

The Community-University Partnership Awards were started under the leadership of LaMarr Billups, a respected community leader at UW–Madison who was committed to key civic institutions and social causes. He served as a special assistant to two UW–Madison chancellors and was the director of community relations from 1996 to 2007. These awards recognize the work of UW–Madison faculty, staff, and students and their community partners across the state of Wisconsin, as they address pressing public issues in Madison and the surrounding region.

“Throughout the history of UW–Madison, the Wisconsin Idea — a philosophy that holds that university research should be applied to solve problems and improve health, quality of life, the environment, and agriculture for all citizens of the state — has remained at our core,” says Leslie Orrantia, UW–Madison director of community relations. “As such, it remains a privilege for our institution to continue to recognize the impact made possible through dedicated collaborations between our students, faculty, staff, alumni, colleagues, and friends making change and improving lives across Wisconsin.”

Read more about the School of Medicine and Public Health honorees:

Oneida Nation – Wisconsin Alzheimer’s Disease Research Center Partnership

Partners: Sanjay Asthana, MD, Director, Alzheimer’s Disease Research Center, Division of Geriatrics, Department of Medicine; Dorothy Edwards, PhD, Leader of the Minority Recruitment Satellite Program of the Wisconsin ADRC, Professor of Kinesiology, School of Education; Brieanna Harris, Program Manager; Sterling C. Johnson, PhD, Alzheimer’s Disease Research Center, Associate Director; Cynthia M. Carlsson, MD, Wisconsin Alzheimer’s Institute; Jody Krainer, Dementia Diagnostic Network Manager, Wisconsin Alzheimer’s Institute; Jane Mahoney, MD, Wisconsin Alzheimer’s Institute; Hector Salazar, Outreach Specialist, Alzheimer’s Disease Research Center

Partner organization: Oneida Nation Commission on Aging (ONCOA) Oneida Community Advisory Board (CAB) and Oneida Elder Services

Although data describing the prevalence of Alzheimer’s disease and related dementias (ADRD) is sparse, recent analyses suggest the disease will disproportionally burden Native Americans. Unfortunately, misconceptions persist in both clinical and community settings. Members of the Oneida Nation Commission on Aging (ONCOA) have partnered with faculty and staff from the Wisconsin Alzheimer’s Disease Research Center and the Wisconsin Alzheimer’s Institute to expand their community, access to dementia diagnostic services, build awareness of ADRD, support caregivers, and promote participation in ADRD research.

Key partners include the Dementia Care Specialist for the Oneida Nation, and Oneida Tribal Elder Services. These local efforts align with national priorities and an urgent need for effective prevention strategies to address the suffering and untenable costs associated with ADRD, especially critical for underserved populations disproportionally affected by the disease.

Native American Center for Health Professions (NACHP) and Oneida Nation Partnership

Partners: Jacquelynn Arbuckle, MD, Former Clinical Associate Professor of Surgery and director of NACHP, Current NACHP Advisory Council Member; Bret Benally-Thompson, MD, Clinical Associate Professor, Palliative Care and NACHP Advisory Council Member; Lauren Cornelius, Program Specialist, NACHP; Tracy Downs, MD, Associate Dean for Multicultural Affairs and Diversity, School of Medicine and Public Health; Melissa Metoxen, Community and Academic Support Coordinator; Elizabeth Petty, MD, Senior Associate Dean for Academic Affairs and Danielle Yancey, Director, NACHP

Partner Organization: Oneida Nation of Wisconsin

The Native American Center for Health Professions was founded in 2012 with the vision to improve the health and well-being of Native American communities through increased representation of Native American health professionals. Wisconsin serves as home to 12 Native Nations, many of whom face the most striking health disparities in the state. This served as an important catalyst to create NACHP, a true embodiment of the Wisconsin Idea to work with Wisconsin’s tribal communities to address education access, health equity and workforce needs in some of the most rural and underserved communities in the state.

One of NACHP’s most innovative and effective campus-community partnerships is with the Oneida Nation. This partnership established a NACHP office within the Oneida community to work closely with the tribal government, health center, education department, schools and Tsyunhehkwa (joon-hey-kwa), the tribe’s agricultural community.

CAMP Bayview: College Advancement Mentorship Program at the Bayview Foundation

Linda Park, PhD, a research specialist in the Department of Medicine, was a partner on CAMP Bayview: College Advancement Mentorship Program at the Bayview Foundation, which began as a Wisconsin Idea fellowship project. The program provides high school students from under-resourced backgrounds with tools to achieve academic and personal success.