Valerie Gilchrist earns family medicine leadership award

May 31, 2018

Department of Family Medicine and Community Health Chair Valerie Gilchrist, MD, has been honored with the 2018 F. Marian Bishop Leadership Award by the Society of Teachers of Family Medicine.

The award honors individuals who have significantly enhanced the credibility of family medicine through a sustained, long-term commitment to family medicine in an academic setting. Gilchrist has been chair of the Department of Family Medicine and Community Health at the University of Wisconsin School of Medicine and Public Health for nearly 11 years. The department added community health to its name during her tenure.

The Society of Teachers of Family Medicine said the award was given to Gilchrist because of her direct professional contributions to the society and other organizations relating to family medicine.

In addition to serving as chair of family medicine and community health, Gilchrist also served as chair of family medicine at Northeastern Ohio University College of Medicine and at the Brody School of Medicine at East Carolina University. She has received numerous awards and honors.

“The F. Marian Bishop Leadership Award is a great honor because it speaks directly to my love of family medicine,” said Gilchrist.

Gilchrist received the honor at a recent conference of the Society of Teachers of Family Medicine.