Amenities and Security Office
The Health Sciences Learning Center offers a number of amenities to faculty, staff, students and visitors, including a security office, Daily Dose Deli and University Book Store.
Health Sciences Complex Security Office
The security office is located in Room 1375, across from the University Book Store near the Health Sciences Learning Center freight elevator.
Phone: 608-262-3058
Hours: Security services, including card access issues, are provided 24 hours a day, 7 days a week by UW-Madison Police Department’s security officers. If you need assistance and the security office door is closed, return later or call UW Police dispatch at 608-264-2677 (COPS) to request immediate assistance.
To contact Sgt. Anita Kichefski, call 608-890-1171.
For more information: Visit the UW-Madison Police Department website.
Daily Dose Deli
The Daily Dose Deli is located in the atrium and offers:
- Gourmet coffee
- Specialty coffee drinks
- Grab-and-go cold sandwiches
- Snacks
- Juices and sodas
Semester hours: 7 a.m.-9 p.m. Monday-Friday
Summer hours: 8 a.m.-2 p.m. Monday-Friday
The University Book Store
The University Book Store at the Health Sciences Learning Center is a source for medical and technical reference books, professional clothing and supplies, selected textbooks and other items for the professional or student health care provider. The book store also carries a selection of UW collegiate clothing and gifts, general reading books and fine pens.
Phone: 608-663-2665 or 800-993-2665
Hours: 8 a.m.-4 p.m. Monday-Friday